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Scalable, idempotent APIs with a visual model editor

Create reusable price models and stream billable events to us. We handle real-time pricing calculations and invoicing.

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Embeddable drop in UIs to give your users visibility and control

Our hosted customer portal and embeddable UI elements show your users their current and historical usage and invoices.

curl https://api.tryaqueduct.com/v1/billableEvents \ -H "Idempotency-Key: foo12345bar56789" \ -d meterId="cpu-usage" \ -d type="increment" \ -d customerId="owner_01FZD04TNM01NW6TRZ0G42RW10" \ -d data="{\"count\": 12}"
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End manual billing

Aqueduct comes with quoting, invoicing, collections and real time reports that work with usage based billing models. Focus on your core business instead of wrestling tools together piecemeal.

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Why companies love Aqueduct

"This is 100x better than our old Quickbooks workflow!!!"

– Brittany
Operations and Educational Partnerships

“You have a kick-ass product that’s going to save us months of operational overhead and engineering time. The product experience is magical, to say the least, and I’m so impressed with the team and white-glove onboarding experience.”

– Jaysi
Founding team and operations

Global payment methods

We integrate with multiple payment providers so you can unlock revenue streams in new markets with the lowest FX rates.